How not to waste a senior engineering hire

But you know it’s not nearly as simple, and it can all end up surprisingly disappointing.
Why you went with a senior hire probably seems clear: You wanted someone with experience who would require less onboarding and could start solving problems faster, someone who can work on more complex tasks. Someone who can understand and bring your system – maybe even your organization – to the next level.
So, you do a shorter onboarding (it’s a senior, right?) and start throwing some tasks at them. You probably start with simpler tasks and expect them to gradually build up to more and more complex stuff until they reach their full potential.
Everyone wants a senior but loves a mid
This approach works well with mid-level engineers, as they are expected to learn more, and if they learn well, you can shape them into what you need quite easily. Let’s be honest – everyone loves a good mid since they do most of the actual work. But you probably didn’t hire a senior engineer to turn them into a code monkey.
The challenge of hiring a senior is that it implies great expectations, but great expectations can lead to great disappointment if managed poorly. And that disappointment may be felt on both sides – yours and your hire’s.
The senior comes with experience – which is why you went for a senior – but this experience comes with a burden that is often overlooked. The amount of experience is directly proportional to their attitude on how to do things the “right” way. And in different companies, a lot of things are done differently, often for a good reason. And often for bad reasons as well.
The question is how much you really want them to un-learn – and how much you’re ready to un-learn yourself.
How to let seniors be seniors – from the start
It’s normal to expect that a new employee needs to learn, especially in the initial period, but it is easy to forget that this is an opportunity to learn from them as well. This is one of the reasons you went for a senior engineer, isn’t it?
So here are a few ideas you could try out with a new senior hire:
Giving them a challenging task early on
Instead of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks over an extended period, let the senior take on a challenging larger task, like proposing an architecture for something new. Have them pick a narrower domain they feel comfortable in, and give them space and time to show what they can do.
Review their proposal with other seniors or architects in an open discussion, letting them present their solution. Of course, their first try might not be a perfect fit, but use that as an opportunity for discussion and coaching with other senior staff. That way, you’re also allowing them to connect with other seniors in the company.
Research work
Similar to giving a larger task, let them do a research-type task early—something that requires trying out different approaches to the problem, digging through documentation, or trying different technologies.
Let them present and discuss their findings in front of the team. This is the type of work you hired a senior engineer for.
Comparing architecture and approaches
Relatively early after initial onboarding, once they have an overall picture, have them compare your company’s architecture and processes to those in their previous job(s).
Whether they worked in a much smaller system or a completely different domain, you may still find some good ideas and details that apply to you.
Even if there is no direct comparison or advice they can offer at that point, just letting them explain their understanding will help them grasp your architecture earlier—as you truly understand something only once you can explain it to someone else.
Listening to their experience and opening such a discussion will move your relationship closer to the one you’d want to have with your senior.
Let them suggest improvements
After they feel somewhat settled, a few months in, let them write a list of suggestions on improvements they see from their perspective. You may be surprised by the fresh perspective.
If some of their ideas are applicable, let them drive the change. You will benefit from the improvement, and they will start feeling useful since they’re making meaningful contributions.
Good people do slip away from good companies
What all these suggestions have in common is that they try to act on expectations on both ends of a hiring agreement. You expected someone to behave like a senior, and they expected to be treated as a senior. If you are both reasonable, there is an understanding that this takes time.
But I’ve seen many cases of seniors either giving up in the first year, as the position doesn’t live up to the promises, or because of unsatisfied employers who expected more from that senior hire. And I’ve seen good people slip away from good companies.
So don’t let the senior drown in your company before they learn to swim through your structures.
Set up the onboarding so that they can start delivering small chunks of senior behavior early on, with a close feedback loop. In the process, don’t forget that the learning opportunities are mutual from the beginning, especially in the beginning.