Engineer Explains: What are Verifiable Credentials – and why should you care?

Milena Radivojević

We've asked experienced engineers to share how they would explain some tech terminology at three levels of experience - from junior developer to CTO.

Verifiable Credentials might seem like an obscure buzzword that flies under most people’s radar, but they’re quietly shaping the future of how we prove who we are online.

They, along with decentralized identity, create a unified identity layer that enables seamless authentication without the friction or fragmentation of multiple identities.

As developers, staying ahead of these emerging technologies isn’t just interesting – it’s crucial for building the next generation of secure and seamless digital experiences.

Watch this video to learn more, featuring Rizel Scarlett, Staff Developer Advocate at TBD:

This video is a part of ShiftMag’s video series, Engineer Explains.

We’ve asked experienced engineers to share how they would explain some basic and some less basic tech terminology to different tech job titles or at three levels of experience — from junior developer to CTO.

More videos from the Engineer Explains series:
Feature Flags Explained
JAMstack Explained
Observability Explained
Large Language Models Explained
DevOps Explained
DevRel Explained
Network APIs Explained

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