Engineer Explains: Scaling infrastructure from 0 to 20 million users explained in 5 minutes

Scaling your infrastructure because you have tens of millions of users seems like a nice problem to have. And it is until you get your first infrastructure bill.
In this video, a CTO with the same problem of scaling a software product to serve millions and millions of new users explains how to approach the scaling, what to pay attention to, and what you absolutely must do in the beginning because you wouldn’t be able to fix it later.
There’s low-hanging fruit even junior developers can have in mind, and his message for CTOs is to think about the cost before it’s too late.
This video is a part of ShiftMag’s new video series, Engineer Explains.
We’ve asked experienced engineers to share how they would explain some basic and some less basic tech terminology to different job tech job titles or at three levels of experience – from junior developer to CTO.
This Engineer Explains video was created in partnership with WeAreDevelopers World Congress. Find the tickets here for the next one taking place in Berlin, 17th-19th July.
How would you explain APIs, internal developer platforms, software architecture or software testing at three levels of experience?